BIO240 - Advanced Genetics for HS Teachers (A)
This is an advanced Genetics course for Master of Education Biology students for AY 2024-2025.

Instructional Planning and Procedures for Teachers, Part 2
Strategies and novel techniques and approaches in instructional design for high school mathematics

Special Topics in Social Studies, Part II
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EDL 251
This course deals with the principles of developing, adapting and evaluating language teaching materials giving special attention to the appropriateness on specific lessons and integrating information technology as a tool for materials development. |

EDL 261
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
examine patterns of bi/multilingual education programs around the world;
evaluate supervision practices and system on language education programs in a bi/multilingual context; and
present a paper that assesses a bi/multilingual education practice in a local context

Methods in Educational Research
Research methods, concepts, processes, and tools to be used in education

Edl 201 Applied Linguistics 2021
This course discusses language theories, principles, and approaches as applied to language analysis with emphasis on grammar structures and phonetics of English relative to communicative use and language pedagogy.
At the end of the course, the students are expected to:
relate the different linguistic theories and principles to different functions of language
identify practical applications of language analysis to language teaching and learning; and
plan the content of instruction for various students to learn English.

Language Acquisition: Theories, Principles and Research
Theories, principles, and research in the field of Second Language Acquisition . It studies the nature of second language acquisition from the linguistic, psychological, and social perspectives and draws implications relevant to second language teaching.

Production of Materials 2021
"This course deals with the principles of developing, adapting and evaluating language teaching materials giving special attention to the appropriateness on specific lessons and integrating information technology as a tool for materials development.
After completing the course, you should be able to:
1. evaluate instructional materials using the theories, concepts, and principles in production of materials;
2. produce/adapt contextualized instructional materials for specific English learning community; and
3. evaluate the instructional materials through pilot testing

Foundations of Mathematics
The axiomatic methods, set theory, cardinal and ordinal numbers, continuum, mathematical logic.
Major course in the Master of Education (Mathematics) program.

Edl 251 Production/Adaptation and Evaluation of Language Learning Materials
This course deals with the principles of developing, adapting, and evaluating language teaching materials giving special attention to the appropriateness of specific lessons, and integrating information technology as a tool for materials development.

EDSC 205 - Selected Topics in Biology (1st Tri 2022-2023)
This course offers the students a free and open syllabus to learn science concepts that are otherwise left undiscussed in most general biology course.