These are the courses under the Teaching and Learning Resource Center. 

AMIS Training Guides (Open Access)
Simacon, Gerran

AMIS Training Guides (Open Access)

This course is designed for all users of the AMIS at UP Cebu. It aims to provide guidance on how to effectively navigate and utilize the system for various academic and administrative functions.

Introduction to Remote Learning
Seno, Noelle Anne

Introduction to Remote Learning

This easy to complete course hopes to give you an overview of remote learning, its advantages, potentials, drawbacks, and way-around. This is designed for students who are going to take remote learning classes in any platform. 

To access the course, please use the self-enroll option and use the enrollment key RL101@UPCebu. 

TLRC VLE Training Guide Open Access

TLRC VLE Training Guide Open Access

This is a course for teachers who wish to learn how to use the Moodle based UP Cebu Virtual Learning Environment.